
The Methodist Church in Ellesmere Port, part of the Wirral Methodist Circuit

A New Beginning

From 1st September 2024, the three churches in Ellesmere Port (Hope Farm, Little Sutton and Trinity)  united as a new church – The Methodist Church in Ellesmere Port.

The dedication and celebration service for the new church was held on 28th August 2024 at Trinity. We were delighted to welcome Rev. Dr. James Tebbutt, Chair of the newly formed North West England District of the Methodist Church, who warmly commended the vision and work of the churches in coming together to collaborate in mission in the Ellesmere Port area.

The Methodist Church in Ellesmere Port is at the heart of our community, witnessing to our faith in Jesus and responding to the call to love God and love our neighbours. We worship and work in three communities within the Ellesmere Port area: the town centre (Trinity Methodist Church), Great Sutton (Hope Farm Methodist Church) and Little Sutton (Little Sutton Methodist Church).

Ministry and Leadership

Our minister, Rev’d Ruth Dowson joined us in September 2023, and has been very active in enabling the formation of the new church. As the daughter of a minister, she moved around the country, including a period of time in Heswall as a child. Her roots eventually were put down in Lancashire.

Ruth is supported by a church council, made up of members of the three congregations, and by leadership teams in each church. Trinity has a significant community work through its Daily Bread Cafe, and has full-time church, community and caretaking staff. The church is also blessed with an Associate Minister, Rev’d John Yaxley, and several Local Preachers, as well as many volunteers who bring their gifts to the running of our activities.


Our Mission Plan 2024-2027

Knowing Jesus, and making him known

Our Calling and Purpose

The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission.  It does this through Worship; Learning & Caring; Service; Evangelism.

Mission Statement

The Methodist Church in Ellesmere Port is at the heart of its local communities, witnessing to our faith in Jesus and responding to the call to love God and our neighbours.


  • We believe that, in God’s Spirit, all things are possible.
  • We live out God’s purpose and mission in our communities.
  • We seek to be as Christ to all people.
  • We are holy risk-takers.

Core Principles

Welcoming:   We offer Christian hospitality, with a safe space for everyone.

Nurturing: We build communities by growing positive, hope- and grace-filled relationships.

Discipling: We are a place of learning, prayer and discernment, promoting a life-long journey of development in faith and spiritual growth.

Transforming: We develop community-based activities to bring hope, growth and new life.

Volunteering: We create opportunities for developing skills which enable mutual care and service.

Partnering: We build working relationships with people and organisations who share our vision.

Peace-making: We work with those who promote peace and wholeness in our communities.

Caring: We are good stewards of the earth’s resources; we promote eco-friendly attitudes and actions.