Our buildings are closed – but our churches certainly aren’t! Wherever you look on the Wirral, you will find congregations connecting with one another and reachjihng out to their communities. Supplying food to those who need it, remembering those who have lost their lives, maintaining contact with those locked down at home, and sharing studies and services online – there has been a creative explosion in our worship, fellowship and service. Facebook, Zoom, podcasting, WhatsApp and the good old telephone system have been pressed into service to keep us connected and build up our faith.
The Good Neighbours Group has been meeting for a couple of years to share information and inspiration across our churches. In lieu of a meeting, this month people shared reports of what their churches have been doing. Here are five stories for you to read – and maybe get inspired yourselves. Remember that we are collecting ansd sharing resources on our Resources Page here, and also on our Facebook Page.
Shared reading at West Kirby – by phone.
Food, fellowship and phone services at Claremount (pdf).
Zoom into worship at St. Luke’s (pdf)
Keeping in touch at Moreton (pdf).
Remembering those who have died at Trinity Ellesmere Port (pdf).