Welcome to the Wirral Methodist Circuit

Welcome to our collection of resources for worship at home. Highlights and other materials are also on our Facebook Page.

Our faith is confirmed and encouraged by meeting together, but it does not depend on it. First and foremost, our relationship is with God Himself, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. At times like these, we specially need the sense of God’s loving Fatherhood, the knowledge of salvation through Jesus, and the comforting and strengthening presence of the Holy Spirit.

Worship Online



The Wirral Methodist YouTube Channel has an extensive library of services and other items of interest.

Other Zoom services and live streams

Worship at home

Resources and meditations

Worship services to use at home

You can read/view these prayers and meditations online, or download/print them.

From Wirral Methodist Circuit

Lament: a reflective prayer about the sorrows of Ukraine written by Cate Warbrick, worship leader at St. Luke’s, Hoylake

A liturgy of lament: it’s OK to complain to God, and here’s a resource to help.

A service prepared by Rev. Heather Cooper.
Imagine God speaking – a service for personal use from Steve Cooper.

Meditation: A living Temple from Rev Dr Christine Jones.
Praying some verses from Psalm 27 from Rev. Dr. Christine Jones.
Pray for a miracle – shared by Rev. Carol Natton.
Psalm 23: a visual meditation on the hymn – shared by Rev. Heather Cooper.
A reflection on Lent and sacrifice from Rev. Heather Cooper, Superintendent.
Seeing Jesus with new eyes:  source unknown; forwarded by Rev. John Barnett.
A meditation on Psalm 139: A song and video from Pete Wildman with some 1950s family movies. (viewable online only)
Self-isolation or solitude? from Pete Wildman.

Other materials

For such a time as this – a book of prayers for these times by Nick Fawcett.
A word in time: the Methodist website has a daily Bible meditation based on the Lectionary, with an explanation of the passage and some thought-provoking questions.
Hymns and songs online

New Song Network: playlists of all the songs featured at the New Song Cafe over recent years.
Traditional hymns: a selection of great hymns, with words so you can sing along.

Apps and websites you might find useful

PrayerMate is an app for your phone which helps both in listing things you want to pray for, and in accessing a range of prayer topics  and daily Bible reflections.

Bible.com is a website where you can read any passage of the Bible in a range of translations, choose and follow a Bible reading plan, or view videos with Bible readings from many Bible books – in proper English! If you choose the NIV (Anglicised) version, you can hear the entire Bible read by David Suchet.

The whole website is also available as a Smartphone app and for Amazon or Google smart speakers. For more information click here or search for YouVersion in your app store.

Biblegateway.com is another website where you can read the Bible in any translation, as well as easily looking up passages and searching for keywords. They also have smartphone and smart speaker apps.

(Other apps and websites are available!)



Prayers to end COVID-19: prepared by SIM, a missionary organisation.

Holy Week meditations

A meditation for  Good Friday from Rev Heather Cooper.
A meditation for Maundy Thursday from Rev Heather Cooper
A meditation for Wednesday of Holy Week from Rev Heather Cooper
Holy Week meditations – Monday and Tuesday from Rev Heather Cooper.
A meditation for Palm Sunday from Rev. Heather Cooper
Bread: a meditation from Rev John Barnett
Jesus weeps over Jerusalem from Rev John Barnett
From Passion and Promises to Presence: A reflection for each day of Holy Week from Rev. Lily Twist.

For Children and Families

The following story ideas for Lent and Easter were prepared by the Children and Families Team.

4th Sunday in Lent
5th Sunday in Lent
Palm Sunday
Easter Sunday

Shepherds and the Good Shepherd (6) Hearing His voice

Shepherds and the Good Shepherd (6) Hearing His voice

Traditional shepherding in the Holy Land and surrounding countries is very different from the practice of shepherding in the UK. One obvious difference is that the Middle Eastern shepherd leads his sheep, whereas shepherds in this country drive them, often aided by a...

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Shepherds and the Good Shepherd (5) Visitors in the night

Shepherds and the Good Shepherd (5) Visitors in the night

As we have seen over the past weeks, shepherds played an important part in the history of the people of Israel. Nevertheless, they were not regarded very highly in Judaea at the time of the birth of Jesus. Because they were often away from home tending their flocks,...

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Shepherds and the Good Shepherd (4) The Prophets

Shepherds and the Good Shepherd (4) The Prophets

As shepherds played such an important part in Israel’s history from the very beginning, it is not surprising that we find many references to sheep and shepherds in the words of the Old Testament prophets. Several of them speak of the kings of Israel and Judah who have...

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