Welcome to the Wirral Methodist Circuit

You are always welcome to visit us at Little Neston Methodist Church. There is a lot going on in the Chapel and not just on Sundays.

Current membership stands at 84 and covers a broad spectrum of age groups with toddlers, younger children, teenagers, young marrieds, middle aged and senior citizens all represented. Our Minister is Reverend Marcus Torchon.


  1. To spread the Good News of Jesus Christ in the neighbourhood.
  2. To foster a deeper awareness of Him through worship and the nurture of faith within the church’s fellowship.
  3. To support activities that serve the wider community.


  1. Encouraging a deeper level of spirituality and commitment.
  2. Nurturing faith among children and young people.
  3. Increasing our level of outreach within the local community and the world.
  4. Increasing our contacts with the various groups that comprise our church community.
  5. Addressing the imbalance in ages, across the spectrum of membership.

You can follow us on Facebook to find out more.


Address: Mellock Lane Little Neston Neston CH64 4BN

Hire of hall with kitchen – Ed 0151 336 4510

Weddings, baptisms and Funeral Services contact the minister direct. e.mail – thetorchison@yahoo.com

General enquiries e.mail – peter@wright1.eclipse.co.uk

10.30 am Morning Worship and Junior Church.

There is a Prayer Meeting every Tuesday morning at 10.00 a.m.which is well attended as is the fortnightly Wednesday Bible Study/Discussion group which is held at the home of church members. The church has run ALPHA courses which are videos and discussions on Christian Discipleship. There is a new Knit and Natter group which meets in the church hall, on Tuesday afternoons between 1.45 and 4.00 p.m. as the name implies, to knit and to teach people the intricacies of knitting if they don’t know, to talk and to knit for charity.

The church hall is also available for bookings for parties, and community groups etc. A U3A Table Tennis session is held in the church hall, also as a community service a luncheon club for the elderly is in operation. Mission is close to our hearts and the World Mission Services are well supported. We have a weekly newsheet to keep all the events and meetings at the forefront of everyone’s minds and a 20 or 30 page Newsletter at Christmas and Easter which is well furnished with contributions from members and friends. A copy of the weekly noticesheet is available to view in pdf format at this link..