Welcome to the Wirral Methodist Circuit

We are a small, but lively congregation of Christians

Welcome to Higher Bebington Methodist Church. We are a friendly, family-orientated church who aim to be accessible to all, and welcome anyone who want to find out more about God’s love for all of us, or is looking for a church home. Most of all we are committed to following our Lord Jesus Christ and living out our faith by sharing the good news of God’s grace in word and action. If you are investigating Christianity, then please come along on a Sunday morning and find out more.
Higher Bebington Methodist Church is a small, but lively congregation of Christians who meet at the Methodist chapel in School Lane, Higher Bebington.


Address: School Lane, Higher Bebington, Wirral, CH63 2LW

Church Office – 0151 644 6288
Email: higher@bebingtonmethodist.org.uk

You are most welcome to join us for Morning Worship from 10.45-11.45 am. (including Funday Sunday for the children and young people).

Please be aware that these activities may be affected by the pandemic.

Carers & Tots – Friday (Term time) – 9.30 to 11 am

Ecumenical Ladies Lunch – 2nd Tuesday in the month – 12.00pm

Carers & Tots

Every Friday (Term time) 9.30 to 11 am, £1.50 a session.
All ages of pre-school children are welcome with their parent/grandparent/childminder or carer.
We have a free play session 9.30 to 10.15 (approx).
10.15 we serve drinks and a snack for all, after which children are welcome to play again.
10.45 we all get together for action songs and to say “Goodbye”.

Jane and Joanne are always available to welcome new people, the Mums, Dads, Grandparents and Carers who attend are really lovely and no-one is left to feel “out of things”. We’re small and friendly!!

Join us for tea/coffee, chat, companionship and support, never feel alone.

Contact us for more details.

Ecumenical Ladies Lunch

A Ladies bring and share lunch is held every second Tuesday in the month at Higher Bebington Methodist Church, School Lane Higher Bebington. It is for ladies who work in any of the churches to relax and talk. The lunch starts at 12.30 noon and continues until the conversation or food runs out.