The Cross is a lively group of Christians who are passionate about sharing the love of God and finding new ways to tell the life-changing story of Jesus. We look forward to welcoming you. You will find us on Church Road in Tranmere, at the corner of Whitfield Street. The church is accessible to people with disabilities, both in our services and access to the building from the car park in front. We have disabled toilet facilities downstairs accessible by a lift for those who cannot navigate the stairs. So if you want to find out more about God’s love for you, or are looking for new church we look forward to meeting you. Find out more on our website.
Please use the contact form on our website if you want more information.
You can also follow us on Facebook
Sunday morning worship is at 10:45 am. Evening worship services are held fortnightly at 6:30 pm on the 1st and 3rd Sunday in the month. Our worship is modern, in a “café style” (with a break for coffee and cake.) and is led by our own lively band. Holy Communion is celebrated twice per quarter.
The Church @ The Cross is a hub for a wide range of community activities. Please visit our website for more details.