Welcome to the Wirral Methodist Circuit

Welcome to Woodchurch Methodist Church’s webpage. The people called Woodchurch Methodist Church are very open and welcoming to all who wish to join in. They laugh together as they enjoy a variety of activities and support one another in the trials of life. God’s presence in their lives and the building creates an atmosphere of hope and love. It is a privilege to serve the community of Woodchurch alongside them. – Deacon Ellie

We are a Church built in the late 1950s to serve the community of the new Woodchurch estate. The estate has grown to around 10000 people with a variety of wants, needs and aspirations. As a Church family we hope to share God’s love in a way that is relevant to those we serve.

We are also committed to:

  • Working in partnership with Holy Cross Church of England Church and St. Michael’s RC Church on the estate. An ecumenical Prayer Walk takes place each month involving all three churches as we together bring the concerns of the community before God.
  • Working in partnership with groups and organisations that serve the estate such as the Pemberton Organic Planters, the Community Hub, Wesley Grange and the Carr Bridge Centre.
  • The Shoebox Appeal – an important part of the Church’s Mission, with hundreds of shoeboxes sent to deprived children in Eastern Europe, Africa and other places around the world
  • Holding annual services of light for those who have lost loved ones through the year.

As we emerge from the Covid pandemic our Church will be taking time to listen afresh to the voices of the community and to God to see where we are called to meet the current concerns of those living on the estate. We would love to hear from anyone interested in taking this journey with us as we seek to serve God and the Woodchurch estate together.


Address: Woodchurch Methodist Church, Pemberton Road. CH49 8JL

Church Phone number: 0151 6069898

Ministers: Rev Noel Sharp & Deacon Ellie Griffin

Minister’s email: deaconellie@gmail.com

Minister’s mobile: 07739 412287

Woodchurch Methodist Church gathers on a Sunday morning at 10:30 to worship God and support one another over refreshments after the service.

Our building is used by a variety of groups through the week:

  • Mencap – supporting adults with learning difficulties to learn cookery and kitchen skills.
  • Louise Forster Dance Club – Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for children and young people
  • Knit & Natter – a place for all to knit or engage with other crafts activities and make friends
  • Breadmaking and lunch sessions
  • Various support groups
  • Reach Out Work Club – for those seeking support with training, CV writing, job searching etc
  • Jet Club – a youth group for young people with disabilities

Contact us for more information.