Parking is available in the road opposite the church. So if you want to find out more about God’s love for you, or are looking for a new church we’d love to meet you. Or if you are just visiting Willaston Village, we’d also love to share our worship service with you.
Willaston Methodist Church has a small congregation with a roughly equal number of men and women at our morning services. We share the monthly evening services with Neston and Little Neston churches and invite our friends from Christ Church (our Anglican neighbour) when the service is at Willaston. Our minister is Rev’d Heather Cooper, Wirral Circuit Superintendent.
Above all, we are committed to following Jesus Christ and living out our faith by sharing the good news of God’s grace in word and action. If you are exploring Christianity, then please come along on a Sunday morning and find out more.
Contact Us
Mrs Carol Savage, a long standing Willaston resident, is our senior steward and may be contacted for information about our Chapel. You can contact her on 0151 327 3593,or email her at
Please note that the following activities may be affected by the pandemic. Please contact us for updates.
House Groups meet at 10.30 – 12 am every other Tuesday at the Chapel and also on Wednesday evenings at 8.00 pm in people’s homes. We aim to provide an opportunity for people to meet in an informal atmosphere, choosing topics from the Bible for discussion and prayer.
Church Mice meets at 10am on the first Thursday of each month enabling preschool aged children to hear a Bible story, do a simple craft, sing the special Church Mice songs and most importantly to search the church for the small knitted mice that are hidden before the children arrive. We welcome about 6 to 10 children each month often with their younger siblings. They then stay for the Toddler Group which meets in the schoolroom each week.
Create is an after school club meeting once a month for children up to year 6. Each session has a Bible story as the theme and we go into the church to hear and talk about the story, sing some songs and share a simple prayer. On returning to the schoolroom the children are offered crafts, puzzles and painting: one of our members is a talented artist who prepares a large outline drawing of the theme for all the children to colour. Toast and a drink are provided. We have 40 children registered with an average attendance of about 12 who come with carers who stay and share fellowship.These activities bring children who would otherwise have no church contact into the building meeting Chapel members and introducing them to Christ’s teachings.