Welcome to the Wirral Methodist Circuit

Trinity with Palm Grove Church was one of the first Local Ecumenical Projects in the country, forming in 1977, a union of Palm Grove Methodist and Trinity URC. These two congregations came together in faith, and a great deal has been accomplished as a result. Having just celebrated our 150th anniversary, we have a renewed sense of mission and outreach. Come and join us!
We are really delighted that the community by which we are surrounded makes regular use of our premises. We have many user groups for whom we care and with whom we work. From Tumble Tots, to Yoga, to U3A, there is almost always somethinggoing on at the Church. We are very proud of our Victorian buildings and in the past few years, we have made a  number of renovations making them warm and comfortable. This has brought more and more people in from the urrounding community; but equally we feel called to go out to serve in that same community.

The spirit of our congregation is really positive. Mission-orientated and community-minded, we are in the process of building something special.

Church Office:63 Alton Road,Oxton,BirkenheadCH43 1UZ
Office telephone number:0151 652 2154
Church address: 125 Beresford Rd, Prenton, Birkenhead, Merseyside CH43 2JD.

Sunday morning worship is at 10:30 am.

Sunday evenings are a bit different: The first Sunday of the month we have a Bible Study at 6:30 pm. The second Sunday of the month we have a healing service at 6:30 pm. The third Sunday at 3:00 pm we worship at local nursing homes. The fourth Sunday at 4:00 pm we have tea and praise. On those months where there is a fifth Sunday we take part in Churches Together services with our local ecumenical partners. Sunday evenings are a good opportunity for informality and discussion. 

Lots is happening at Trinity with Palm Grove. Visit our website for the full list. Here is a taster.

Toddlers Group:  Wednesday 1:15 – 2:45 pm.

Tuesday Circle:  Third Tuesday of month, 8:00 – 10:00 pm.

The Fellowship:  Thursday, 2:30 pm.

Grace and Movement (exercise class):  Wednesday, 8@00 – 9:30 pm.

Indoor Bowls:  Monday, 2:00 – 4:00 pm.