Welcome to the Wirral Methodist Circuit

Welcome to St. Luke’s Hoylake. Our mission is to guide people of all backgrounds into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. If you have never visited us, do take our virtual tour.
After more than a century of service to the people of Hoylake, our objective remains unchanged – to be a welcoming community of believers who inspire each other and the world around us to live an authentic life of faith. As Methodists, we seek to become part of a “discipleship movement shaped for mission” and to work out what being a Christian means, in order to make a difference to the world.

Musically, we mix traditional hymns and organ music with modern worship songs, played on guitars and drums, in keeping with the diversity of our congregation on a Sunday. We have a crèche for tots and the younger children are taught in TransformUs (our name for Junior Church) every Sunday, so there’s something for everyone!

Many of our members meet in small Life Groups on a weekly or fortnightly basis, to promote deeper Christian discipleship and pastoral care for each other through Bible study and other devotional activities, including prayer.

Additionally, St. Luke’s is in use throughout the week for a range of church or community-based events and you’ll find details elsewhere on our website.

Address: 19 Market St, Hoylake, Wirral, Merseyside CH47 2BF

Join us for worship every Sunday at 10:30 am. We have a guide for those who may be coming for the first time – find out what you need to know!
St Luke’s has activities for all ages and interests. Please visit our website for details.