Welcome to the Wirral Methodist Circuit

Celebrating Jesus in Bebington

Lower Bebington Methodist Church is a friendly and enthusiastic congregation of Christians who are passionate about sharing the love of God and finding new ways to tell the life-changing story of Jesus. You will find us on Bromborough Road, Bebington, Wirral and we look forward to welcoming you.

We meet regularly for worship in the Church and during the week for prayer and Bible Study in various homes.  Our members come from a variety of backgrounds and enjoy worshipping Jesus in a spectrum of modern and traditional forms.

The church aims to be accessible to all with both a creche and disabled facilities.  Limited parking is available at the front of the church and alternative parking is available in the car park behind the adjacent shops. All are welcome.  So if you want to find out more about God’s love for you, or are looking for new church we look forward to meeting you.

Above all, we are committed to following Jesus Christ and living out our faith by sharing the good news of God’s grace in word and action.

If you are investigating Christianity, then please come along on a Sunday morning and find out more.

As part of our service to the local community, we welcome families in both happy and sad moments for Christian services of Baptism, Marriage and Funerals. Please contact the Minister at the church office to discuss.

Please note that these service may be affected by COVID regulations.

Sunday services are held at 10.45 am. For details of upcoming services please view our Calendar & Regular Church Activities page.

Approximately once a quarter, a  Circuit Sunday evening service is shared with other churches in our circuit .

Worship is led by a mixture of lay and ordained staff, Ministers, Local Preachers and Worship Leaders and features a variety of worship styles. All of our services have an inclusive and relaxed nature ensuring that new members and visitors feel at home immediately.

Morning Worship – 10:45 am
We use a variety of modern and traditional worship music from Hymn and Psalms, Songs of Fellowship (1-4) and the new Methodist hymn book, Singing The Faith; however, all morning services utilise our large data projector so there’s no need to search through book after book.

Holy Communion
Holy Communion is celebrated at one morning service each month.

Art Group:  Wednesday, 1:30 pm.

Thursday Afternoon Group: Thursday 1.30pm (1st Thursday in the month) meetings include worship, charity talks, local history, etc

Bible Study: Friday 1.30pm

 For more information, contact Andy at 07722 353487.


Stewards: Brenda Mather, Ron Barber, Margaret Eastman and Margaret Allen.

Rooms for hire

We have rooms for hire throughout the week. We offer clean, warm spaces in various sizes – suitable for anything from parties, fitness classes, discussion groups, dance and music schools.  Contact us to find out what we have available and if we can work with your group or business.

For more information, contact Andy at 07722 353487.


History of Lower Bebington Methodist Church
There has been a Methodist Church on the same site for over a hundred years. The present worship area was opened in 1928 and stands alongside the original building which is now used as a hall. More recently, additions have been made and in this century-old building, work has improved access for people with disabilities while at the same time improving facilities for catering.

The worship area retains pews in the main body of the church, whilst the chancel area has now been levelled and made suitable for varied layouts of use with the communion table, lectern and all other furniture being easily moveable, making it useful for more intimate meetings and as a platform for musical and choral concerts. We also have recently installed a new projection system into the chancel area.

Contact Lower Bebington Methodist Church

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