Welcome to the Wirral Methodist Circuit

Welcome! If you want to know all about Greasby Methodist Church, please visit our website. All our service details are listed here and there’s information about all the different groups, both church-run and others across this site. Please use the contact form if you have any questions.
There has been a church building on this site since the 1930′s, but that building is now our main hall. Since then extra buildings have been added and in the 1990′s the atrium (where you now enter) brought them all together with a shared entrance and shared kitchen facilities. So, that’s how we look, but more about who we are.

The people who meet as Christians under this roof have found their way here in very many different ways. Some have been born and bred Methodists, some have come from other churches, some have been Christians for most of their lives, and some have only recently become Christians. And yes, most of us are still trying to work out what it means to be a Christian! But we share a common goal, to learn what it means to follow Jesus, not just on a Sunday morning, but throughout our whole lives.

Part of following Jesus is to care for our neighbours, that’s not just those who live in Greasby, but also those who are our brothers and sisters across the world. If you are interested in what happens at the church during the week, check out our Activities page. One thing that we can offer to all in need, no matter how close to or far from us they are is to offer prayer for situations, concerns and worries, no matter how big or small. You can submit a prayer request via this website and even choose how confidential that remains. Visit our Prayer page or use the contact form to send us a prayer request.

To read about the history of Greasby Methodist Church click here

Contact Us

Address: Greasby Road, Greasby, Wirral, Merseyside, CH49 2PN
Office Phone: 0151 677 5127


Worship includes so much more than the services we hold on a Sunday. We believe that our whole life can be an act of worship to God. Our Sunday services allow us to meet together as a fellowship of believers, as a family who support one another, and to pray together, praise God together, hear from the Bible and learn from it.

Join us at 10:45 on Sunday mornings

During our Sunday morning service we have creche facilities for up to age 3 and Little Fishers for ages 3 to 6.

Greasby Pre-School Playgroup: weekdays, 9:15 am.

Mums and Toddlers:  Monday 9:30 am.

Scouts: Beavers Wednesday 5:45 pm;  Cubs Thursday 7:00 pm; Scouts Wednesday 7:30 pm.

Guides: Brownies Thursday 6:30 pm; Guides Thursday 7:30 pm.

Messy Church:  3rd Saturday of month, 4:00 pm.

Church Rambling Group: 1st Saturday of month, 9:30 am.

Oasis Soup and Sandwich Lunch: last Wednesday of every month 12:00 noon.

Friendship Cafe: Fridays, 2:00 – 4:00 pm.

For more information, visit our website.