Welcome to the Wirral Methodist Circuit

Welcome to Moreton Methodist Church. We aim to be a church where everyone can feel respected and at home. A warm welcome awaits you and we hope that our website will encourage you to come and visit us.If you want to talk to somebody about spiritual matters, or just need someone to talk to, do join us one Sunday

There’s much more about Moreton Methodist CHurch on our website. Come and visit us there! Or better still, meet us for real! Find us in Pasture Road, Moreton, half way between Moreton Cross and the Merseyrail station, on the left next to Maryland Lane. Postcode: CH46 7TQ. (See the map below.) We are happy to arrange for weddings, funerals or baptisms. Contact Address: Moreton Methodist Church, Pasture Road, Moreton, WIRRAL CH46 7TQ Church Office: 0151 678 9339 If we can help you in any way, please use the form on our contacts page.  

Our regular meetings for Worship take place on Sundays at 10.30 am. The service usually lasts about one hour and tea/coffee/juice and biscuits are served afterwards. On the first Sunday of each month, this is generally a Parade Service attended by members of the Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Union. At least once a month, usually on the fourth Sunday, we have Morning Worship with Holy Communion.

The church is open on Wednesday mornings from 10a.m. to 12 noon for a time of peace, quiet and meditation. Bible study and meditation at 11.30a.m.

Tuesday 10.00 am Zumba Gold (click for more information)
1.15 pm Sunbeams Mother and Toddler Group
7.00 pm BB & GB Band
 Wednesday 9.00am – 11.00am F.U.P.S. (see FUPS page for details)
4.00 pm Weight Watchers
7.30 pm Alcoholics Anon
Thursday 9.00 am Weight Watchers
6.30 pm Boy’s Brigade Juniors
7.45 pm Boy’s Brigade Company Section
Friday 1.00 pm Badminton
3.45 pm Super Kids Club (fortnightly)
6.30 pm Girl’s Brigade
7.00 pm Barbara Roberts Dancing
 Saturday 9.00 am Barbara Roberts Dancing